13 Basic Components of a Building Structure

The base, floors, walls, beams, columns, roof, stairs, etc. are the fundamental elements of a building system. Such components help to sustain, enclose and secure the foundation of a house. The houses will have to be provided with water and power to allow them usable. Such products are named service building. In this article, we’ve briefly covered different aspects of public works and building infrastructure.


The Base is a structural device that distributes the charge evenly from the superstructure to the underlying surface. It is the first concrete structure to be designed for any building site. A strong base stops construction settlement.


The plinth is a dividing line between the substructure and the rim. Therefore, the plinth is the projecting part of the wall above ground level to the ground floor. The plinth is normally placed at least 45 cm (1.5 ft) above the building’s average ground floor.

Plinth Beam

Plinth support is a plate framework that is often installed at or above ground level to bear up the weight of the wall that falls over it.

Damp Proof Course (D.P.C)

The damp proof course is a coating given in the design to avoid the intrusion of dampness from the ground into the components of the structure.


The floor is a significant part of a house. It’s the location where the tenants do the majority of their tasks. It is installed on the filling, then spread over the top of the plinth. Floors are typically constructed of different material forms, such as wood, cement, R.C.C. Top floors are generally built of reinforced concrete today.


The roof is the largest element of a building framework. It covers the building’s top corner. Roofs may either be level or sloped, based on the area’s position and environmental factors.

Fabrication of Doors and Windows

In houses, openings are required for corridors within and outside the houses. We do require windows for lighting and ventilation. A thorough analysis of doors and windows is a significant aspect of building design, as the budget on this element alone will go up to 15 to 20 percent of the overall civil works expense. Doors and windows have historically been constructed of wood and thus this work is often referred to in buildings as woodwork. Also, essential are other woodworks such as providing cupboards, but it falls under the category of interior decoration.


Parapets are short walls that reach above the slab of the roof. Parapets to flat roofs are built. It serves as a curtain of protection for the building.


Lintels are placed over the openings of the wall such as doors, windows, etc. Those systems sustain the wall’s weight over the gap. Typically, reinforced cement concrete is used to create lintels. Lintels may be built-in residential houses, either from concrete or from bricks.

Stairs and Lifts

Nowadays, most structures are built higher than one story high. Which ensures there will be a way to get from one level of the building to another. Understanding various aspects of a staircase and the design of a basic staircase is important for all those interested in the development. A unique focus is the study of the architecture and construction of ornamental staircases. Typically, in buildings of more than four floors above the ground floor, vertical mobility systems such as electric lifts are to be installed.

Beams and slabs

The horizontal members shape beams and slabs in a house. The top slab shapes the roof for a single-story house. The beam carries the load from the floor above the foundation, which is passed to the columns in response; in the case of a multi-story structure, the boards and slabs are made from reinforced concrete cement (R.C.C).

Building Finishes

A building’s final appearance relies strongly upon its completion. We must discuss the following: 1. To cover and make 2. Wall painting, woodwork, grilling, etc. We must have a knowledge of the finishing to be used on different building products such as cement, wood, metals, etc.

Building Services

Water supply, drainage, and sanitation (building service)

Electrical works (building service)

Construction utilities may provide illumination and power delivery for different items of machinery installed in structures. The installation and control of energy in a house is a specialist task to be worked out by an electrical technician. Nevertheless, the fundamentals of such tasks are typically often handled in intermediate building design. Typically a lump sum equivalent to 25 to 30 percent of civil works is calculated as the possible cost for the two things listed above taken together.

Components assist to sustain, enclose and secure the foundation of a structure/building/house. In this article, we’ve briefly covered 13 basic components of building infrastructure. Hope this article helped you.

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