Advantages and Disadvantages of Refractory Cement


Durability and Advantages of Refractory Cement

Durability is an essential characteristic of a cement. To satisfy the requirement of being robust, cement is essential. In many cases where standard cement can not work properly, refractory cement is a good option for this requirement.

Specifically designed for Refractory Cement:

  • Strong.
  • Able to withstand the highest temperatures.
  • Long-lasting.
  • Used in areas of intense heat and fire (because of using asbestos as primary ingredients).

Disadvantages of Refractory Cement

Although refractory cement has great strength when it drops, it can damage the environment and people as well. External contaminants such as asbestos may fall out and interact with molecules of dust. The particle can then penetrate the human body to cause massive scarring of the tissue and contribute to an asbestosis-called respiratory disease. The situation can be even worse as mesothelioma can produce cancerous disease.