Advantages & Disadvantages of Plywood

Advantages of Plywood

1. There is an alternation of the grains within the plywood called cross grain. For some reason, it bears importance, which increases the plywood facility. Such as

  • Plywood cross-grain helps to avoid the risk of breaking when nailing the tops.
  • It improves surface power.
  • It helps to tighten the grains.
  • Cross-graining can be avoided by unnecessary expansion and wood shrinkage.
  • Gives spatial stability enriched.

2.Plywood has a reduced bending possibility because odd numbers of plies are attached to keep the balance inside the plywood.

3. Plywood’s toughness made it difficult to move and inflexible.

4. Plywood contributes to the economy.

5. Although solid wood is hard, plywood furniture is comparatively easier to be transported.

Disadvantages of Plywood

1. The formaldehyde of the urea and phenol used to glucan cause cancer.

2. Plywood is weaker than wood in many ways.

3.Not as hard as wood.

4. Sculpture on this is not always easy.

5.Lighter than standard wood.

6. Without some special method of maximum resistance after being attacked by insects for a long time.

7. Plywood for a long period of time can not be exposed to wet weather or moisture.