Difference Between Grey Cement and White Cement

Cement is very important building bonding material. Ordinary cement from Portland is the most commonly used concrete. It’s normally painted black. White Portland cement is special type of cement used for specific building uses.

Grey Ordinary Portland Cement and White Cement

SourcesGrey CementWhite Cement
Raw MaterialsRaw materials contain a large amount of iron oxide and manganese oxide.There is a very small amount of Iron Oxide and Manganese Oxide in raw materials.
FinenessTypically the white concrete is less fine.Typically cleaner than concrete that is brown.
Kiln FuelCoal, coke from coal, fuel oil, water.Oil is used to avoid coal ash pollution.
Energy ConsumptionLowHigh
CostLess expensiveExpensive than gray cement
UsesCreating intent. Learn more: Cement applicationsDecorations, floorings, ornamental concrete goods such as dolls, architectural design, interior and exterior. Read more: White Portland Cement applications
