What is Flat Slab? Methods of Flat Slab

What is Flat Slab?

Flat slab is a reinforced concrete slab that has direct support from concrete columns without the use of beams. Flat slab is classified as a one-sided or two-sided support system with a sheer load concentration of the slab on the supporting columns and a square slab named ‘ drop panels. ‘

Advantages of flat slabs, advantages of flat slab design, flat slab design, square slab design, flat slab design, flat slab design, flat slab design, flat slab duration, flat-slab subduction, flat slab vs flat slab design, two-way slab design, gap flat slab design.

For Flat Slabs, the column tries to bite through the slab which can be handled by three methods:

  1. We will use a flat-slab drop panel and column capital.
  2. Using a drop panel in the flat slab, without a capital column.
  3. Use of a capital column in flat slab without drop panel.

Uses of drop panels:

  • Lower panels improve Flat Slab floor shear strength.
  • Drop panels stiffen the flat slabs to reduce deflection.
  • Drop panels increase the negative moment capacity of flat slabs.

Uses of column heads:

  • Through the use of column heads, the shear intensity of the flat slab is improved.
  • Column heads decrease the transparent or successful width, thereby decreasing the flat slab floor momentum.

Benefits of Flat Slabs

It is recognized that Flat Slabs without drop panels can be built at a very fast pace as the framework of the structure is simplified and diminished. Also, speedy turn-around can be achieved using an arrangement using early striking and flying systems.

It is understood that Flat Slabs without drop panels can be constructed at a very quick speed as the architecture of construction is condensed and diminished. Even, fast turn-around can be accomplished with a structure with early hitting and flying devices.

In the case that the client makes modifications internally and decides to modify the housing to fit the requirements, flat slab building is the best option because it gives the owner the versatility. This versatility is possible due to the use of square lattice and lack of beam which makes it difficult to channel resources and to assign partitions.

The thickness of flat slab

Flat slab thickness is another very appealing feature because the flat slab provides the owner with the benefit of higher floor to ceiling height and reduced cost of cladding. Nevertheless, there is a significantly lower limit of concrete thickness owing to the requirement for extra repairs to fix structural issues. In addition, additional margin must be provided to facilitate later stage architectural changes

Types of Flat Slab Design

  • The empirical method
  • The sub-frame method
  • The yield line method
  • Finite –element analysis

Empirical techniques are used for smaller frames but the subframe approach is used for more large frames. The projects are conceptualized by utilizing appropriate tools, but it can be very costly to use subframe methods for very complicated architecture.

By using the yield line process, we can accomplish the most cost-effective and homogeneous deployment of reinforcements. A detailed depiction is needed in terms of the full analysis of separate cracking and deflection because this technique only uses the mechanism of collapse.

Structures providing floors of uneven pillars, wide holes, or strong loads of bears are expected to be quite useful for implementing finite- element analysis. Much consideration is given to selecting material properties or to mounting structural loads. Finite- element analysis may also be used to measure deflections and cracked distance.

Deflections-Typically maximal deflections are in the middle of each plate. Foreseeing deflections can be very complicated and may require some sort of elastic calculation. When modeling system layout and utilizing a subframe approach during execution, one way to determine mid-panel deflection is to use at least two parallel strips of columns.

Optimization of main reinforcement-For certain design processes, performance on yield line for particular is better balanced than in other design methods.

Proprietary punching shear reinforcement systems-In the case of thin flat slab construction punching shear reinforcement is necessary.
